The Institute for Clinical and Translational Research is accepting applications for the Advancing Translational Research and Science (ATRS) pilot awards program. Pre-proposals are invited by Feb. 16, 2024; those invited to submit full proposals will be notified by Feb. 26, 2024. Completed applications are due April 1, 2024. Grants begin as early as July 1, 2024. Visit ICTR’s Funding Opportunities page for resources and more information on how to apply.
The ATRS pilot award replaces the Novel Methods pilot award that ICTR offered in previous years. The new award is rescoped to focus on translational science, which generates innovations that overcome longstanding challenges along the translational research pipeline. Translational science innovations may include project planning as well as scientific, operational, financial, and administrative innovations that transform the way that translational research is done, making it faster, more efficient, and wider reaching. Innovations should be generalizable to multiple research projects.
The award has two tracks, each providing twelve months of direct funding.
The Track 1 Project Planning Grant provides up to $25,000 for a group of investigators from a diverse range of disciplines to form a new translational research team. The award will support refining cutting-edge research ideas, building collaborations, creating shared research agendas, and developing strategic action plans for externally funded grant proposals.
ICTR Executive Director Allan Brasier, MD, said of the Track 1 awards: “ICTR has revised the Advancing Translational Research and Science pilot program to support the growth of new transdisciplinary teams, which are essential to successful translational research. We envision that the Track 1 grants will enable teams to successfully compete for extramurally funded, multi-PI awards to bring new translations to health systems and communities, improving health for all.”
The Track 2 Translational Science Project award provides up to $50,000 to support an impactful translational science pilot project or to develop novel translational methods addressing mentorship science, team science, recruitment science, diversity science, or implementation science, including projects applicable to Learning Health Systems.
Principal investigators must be a UW-Madison faculty or academic staff member, sole or joint appointment; a UW Health employee; or a Marshfield Clinic investigator. Applicants are welcome to collaborate with researchers at other institutions, including across the Clinical and Translational Science Award consortium of the NCATS/NIH. Please read the Request for Applications on the Funding Opportunities page for information on eligibility and collaborations.
ICTR will also host an optional question and answer session on Jan. 12 from 9 to 10 a.m. Attendees can find the link on the Funding Opportunities page.
ICTR’s ATRS pilot awards are supported by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, through the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), grant UL1TR002373.
Questions may be directed to Peggy Hatfield at