TL1 Pre-Doctoral Program Adds Team Science Training Component

Telephoto lens view of Bascom Hall, viewed through the trees on Library Mall during an late afternoon in spring.

A new dimension was added this year to the ICTR TL1 pre-doctoral training program. Applicants had the choice of applying using the existing process as individuals or with a new application designed for TL1 training teams. Teams are composed of two pre-doctoral trainees and two faculty mentors working collaboratively on a shared project requiring the intellectual contribution of team members from distinct disciplines. Mark Burkard, Co-PI of the TL1 Training Program, comments,

Mark BurkardWe began this endeavor as part of our participation in a national pilot study of team-science training. Originating at the University of Florida, this study expanded in 2019 to four sites including ICTR. Participating sites used a common application and evaluation process for training teams and will provide all TL1 trainees (team-based and individual) with a semester-long team science training workshop.

We expect the data to demonstrate that training in multidisciplinary teams is an efficient way for students to learn and master the skills (communication, emotional intelligence, leadership) necessary for undertaking complex, translational science projects during their careers.

In addition to the class planned for the fall semester for the TL1 trainees, the co-mentors received co-mentoring training facilitated by Christine Pfund and Beth Meyerand. Ultimately all TL1 trainees will be evaluated for such things as retention in clinical and translational research careers, overall productivity, and multidisciplinary nature of their research teams.

At UW, the two TL1 Team Science Pairs for 2019 include:

Neural Correlates of Abnormal Foot Force in Chronic Stroke

  • Trainees: Jenny Bartloff (Kinesiology) and Arman Kulkarni (Biomedical Engineering)
  • Mentors: Kreg Gruben (Kinesiology)and Vivek Prabhakaran (Radiology)

Describing the connection between neurological changes and abnormal foot-ground force direction control after stroke. This study combines various novel imaging modalities, big data analysis, and biomechanical measurements of balance and gait.

Novel Wearable to Quantify Tissue Load & Monitor Post-Op Recovery

  • Trainees: Sara Harper (Biomedical Engineering) and Keith Knurr (Clinical Investigation)
  • Mentors: Bryan Heiderscheit (Orthopedics & Rehabilitation) and Darryl Thelen (Mechanical Engineering)

Testing a field-based wearable device to monitor tendon stress among athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery and inform clinical decisions about return to sport decisions. This study requires optimization of biomechanical measurements, and complex data processing, analysis and storage.

Three additional incoming TL1 Trainees join five continuing students for a total of 12 trainees in the TL1 program for the 2019-2020 Academic year:

  • Karly Cody (PhD Neuroscience, CTS focus; Sterling Johnson-Medicine)
  • Justin Jagodinsky (MD-PhD Cellular & Molecular biology, CTS focus; Paul Sondel-Pediatrics)
  • Maria Schletzbaum (MD-PhD Epidemiology; Christie Bartels-Medicine)

TL1 trainee applications for start dates in 2020 are due April 1, 2020.

The TL1 Trainees are part of the ICTR Graduate Program in Clinical Investigation.

Click here to see all incoming graduate students for Fall 2019