UW ICTR and All of Us-UW are offering vouchers to support research projects using the All of Us Research Workbench. The Workbench dataset was recently updated to include genomic results of almost 100,000 participants, marking an auspicious milestone for the program. This genomic data complements existing surveys, demographic data, and electronic health record data. More information about the AoU Workbench from NIH.
If researchers are interested in discovering disease related patterns in a population that mirrors the diversity of the United States, the All of Us Research Workbench presents a great opportunity.
To apply for an ICTR voucher for a research project using the All of Us Research Workbench, please email your application materials to ictrvouchers@ictr.wisc.edu. Projects will be reviewed as received for a quick turnaround, as funds need to be expended by June 30, 2022.
More information about the application process including RFA and budget template can be found on our Funding Opportunities page
Please contact Dorothy Farrar-Edwards with questions.