ICTR workforce development encompasses a KL2 Scholars Program to provide junior faculty with the training, mentorship, and protected time necessary to develop an independent research career; a TL1 Post-Doctoral Training Program to provide a bridge between previous doctoral training (MD, PharmD, DVM, PhD, etc.) and future independent research careers; a TL1 Pre-Doctoral Training Program to train UW health care professional and engineering students in the scientific foundations of clinical and translational research; a Masters Program in Clinical and Health Informatics; and a Graduate Program in Clinical Investigation, which confers research degrees based on investigations into patient populations or data, specific methods of treating patients, or the clinical tools used to provide treatments. In addition, ICTR offers Certificate Programs in the Fundamentals of Clinical Research and in Community and Clinical Outcomes Research, plus a variety of non-credit courses, workshops, summer research opportunities, and presentations on specific topics related to clinical and translational research.
Our Mentorship Team provides extensive mentoring resources and and specialized training opportunities via their nationally recognized program that promotes rigorous, evidence based approaches to mentor and mentee training as part of a broad NIH effort to diversify the biomedical workforce.
As multidisciplinary teams are vital to contemporary research, our Team Science programs strive to provide integrated, comprehensive research training not only for faculty scientists, but also for the research nurses, coordinators, fellows, students, and other health professionals who are members of successful scientific teams. Many offerings are available online to provide flexibility to working professionals.
Workshops and Non-Credit Courses encompass topics in clinical and translational research, including career development, summer training opportunities, scientific writing, research coordinator training, biomedical informatics, quality improvement, and regulatory affairs. Opportunities include academic education and mentoring for post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty and students, in addition to workshops and on-line presentations for learners at all levels.
NEW: ICTR supports and facilitates several Communities of Practice for those working in specific areas of clinical and translational research