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Diverse group chatting in front of laptops
Applying evidence. Expanding reach. Accelerating adoption.

Dissemination & Implementation Launchpad

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The Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Launchpad team aims to launch proven health-related innovations from research to clinical and community practice in Wisconsin and beyond. Through education and training, consultation with researchers, and funding to support researchers, the Launchpad advances the science of D&I in clinical health care and community settings.

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Tools & Resources

The Health Equity Advancement Resources are available to help you develop, test, disseminate, implement, and sustain health interventions that enhance health and reduce health disparities in collaboration with community partners.

D&I Frameworks and Suggested Readings

Funding Opportunities

Open D&I award opportunities:

  • The Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) Research Pilot Award supports projects that aim to effectively implement, disseminate, and scale up evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions or programs into clinical, community and/or public health practice settings that impact policy.

D&I award opportunities not accepting applications:

  • Evidence to Implementation Award (E2I): Provides funds to expediate dissemination of evidence-based practices, interventions, and innovations to intended end-users.
  • Design for Equitable Dissemination Award (D4ED): Provides funds to support intervention development using design thinking processes to engage stakeholders (e.g., end-users, adopters, implementers), including historically underrecognized populations.
  • Pipeline Award: Provides funds to support the adaptation and scale-up of projects or health interventions through partnerships with community-engaged academic networks or Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs).


of 2023 D&I Short Course Attendees found the short course worthwhile
D&I consults provided between 2020-2023
$8 million
awarded to researchers who consulted with the D&I Launchpad in 2023


“I liked the real-world application presentations and case examples.”

“I was particularly impressed by the strong emphasis on cultural adaptation and collaboration strategies, which I believe are crucial to the program’s success.”

“I can easily say that we wouldn’t have been able to push this out without the D&I Launchpad E2I group. The manual development, getting things trade-marked, looking nationally at what people need—we would not have been able to do that.”

Our Team

Christie Bartels headshot
Academic Advisory Council Lead, Dissemination & Implementation Launchpad
Anne Gravel Sullivan
Associate Director, Research Translation and Implementation
Felice Resnik
Lead Research Scientist, Dissemination & Implementation Launchpad
Molly Murphy
Scientist, Dissemination & Implementation Launchpad
Cathy Kelly
Research Administrative Coordinator, Dissemination & Implementation Launchpad
Sarah Esmond
Project Coordinator, Dissemination & Implementation Launchpad

Academic Advisory Council

The Academic Advisory Council (AAC) represents a diverse group of faculty who regularly incorporate dissemination and implementation frameworks and methods in their research and are committed to the scientific and educational missions of the ICTR D&I Launchpad.