The overall aim of ICTR Career Development is to develop a diverse and multidisciplinary clinical and translational research workforce. Awardees and their research mentors reflect the scope of the ICTR partners. While scholars are drawn primarily from the UW Schools of Medicine & Public Health, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine, the College of Engineering, and Marshfield Clinic, successful applicants have been affiliated with almost all of the UW-Madison schools and colleges. Career awards include a TL1 Pre-Doctoral Award, a TL1 Post-Doctoral Award, and a KL2 Scholars Program. Programs include the ADEPT Program, the AHEAD Program, and the STRIDE Program. In addition to these offerings, ICTR also supports Certificates in Fundamentals of Clinical Research and Implementation Science and Community Health Outcomes.
Lauren Hahn is the contact for the TL1 Pre- and Post-Doctoral Training Awards and the KL2 Scholars Program.
Amy Filut is the contact for the ADEPT, AHEAD, and STRIDE programs through the Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE).
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TL1 Postdoctoral Training Program - Rolling applications due April 1 and Oct. 1, 2024
Our next application deadline is October 1, 2024.
The goal of the ICTR TL1 Postdoctoral Program is to recruit and train individuals of diverse backgrounds and research interests in translational science. The program will support mentored training of U.S. citizens or permanent residents with professional doctoral degrees, providing salary and training support at the NIH rate. Training will focus on preparation for academic or leadership careers, supporting individualized research specialization, along with academic skills in leadership and team science, writing, responsible conduct of research, and rigor and reproducibility.
Funding is typically provided for two years, with an option of a third year of funding under extenuating circumstances. Successful applicants will have already identified a UW mentor, will have funding to complete the proposed research, and will have a letter of support from a department chair, indicating their potential to enter a faculty position when the fellowship is finished. It is anticipate the postdoctoral fellow will be supported by independent training grants, career development awards, or other types of extramural funding at the completion of the program.
We expect trainees to gain competency in both the fundamentals of research design & data science and in regulatory & research ethics through a variety of courses, workshops, and seminars. Additionally, the candidate will identify other domain-specific training appropriate for their career development program.
Eligibility is limited to applicants who are applying for or currently holding a postdoctoral position, academic staff, or non-tenure track faculty title series. In most cases, after completion of the TL1 Postdoctoral award, the trainee will be appointed to the faculty at UW Madison or elsewhere (tenure track or non-tenure track title series).
Biannual Admissions
Submit applications by Oct. 1 or April 1 for appointment start dates of Jan. 1 and July 1, respectively. The next application deadline is October 1, 2024.
We require an email notifying us of your intent to apply at least one week in advance of the application deadline. Please email Lauren Hahn ( for questions about the application process.
TL1 Postdoctoral Training Program RFA (DOCX file)
TL1 Postdoctoral Application Instructions and Forms
TL1 Postdoc Application Instructions (PDF)
TL1 Postdoctoral Application Form (Applicant Info, Title, Abstract) (PDF)
Mentor Information (PDF)
Applicant Demographics (PDF)
Individualized Development Plan (PDF) (UW Resources)
Sample Training Timeline Plan (PDF) (Additional Suggestions)
TL1 Predoctoral Training Program - Not currently accepting applications
The goal of the ICTR TL1 Predoctoral Program is to train future clinical and translational leaders and to introduce UW health-care professional and engineering students to the scientific foundation of this discipline. It builds on existing, strong clinical and translational training programs in the Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, and the College of Engineering.
Trainees earn a stipend, health insurance, tuition and fees, and a travel allowance. They participate in biennial mentor meetings attended by ICTR leadership and monthly writing workshops.
Application Deadline: March 11, 2024
Award Announcement: May 2024
Appointments Begin: July 1, 2024
KL2 Scholars Program - Application cycle now open (as of July 2024)
This award supports UW-Madison junior faculty who are pursuing and actively engaged in translational research and committed to developing an independent research program. Funded by NIH-NCATS, three scholars are awarded for two years; additional time in the program is possible upon review of scholar progress and need.
Review the detailed Request for Nominations document here (Word document)
Deadlines for the current application cycle (for awards that begin July 1, 2025)
- Request for Nominations Release Date: July 2, 2024
- Dean/Chair Nomination Letter Receipt: July 31, 2024
- Information/Q&A Session: August 2024
- Application Receipt: October 1, 2024
- Study Section: December 2024
- Award Selection: January 2025
- Award JIT: January 2025
- Award Announcement: January 2025
Helpful resources:
Frequently Asked Questions (Docx)
Recorded KL2 Information Session
Please direct KL2 Program questions to Lauren Hahn at
CTSA Translational Research Fellowship - Not currently accepting applications
These two-year fellowships will prepare residency-trained veterinary specialists to undertake research projects with high potential for translation to human disease.
Read about the COHA 2022 Translational Research Fellows
The NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and the CTSA One Health Alliance (COHA) are supporting 2-year research fellowships to engage veterinary clinical specialists in inter-disciplinary research teams. Residency-trained veterinary specialists in comparative cardiology, oncology, neurology, internal medicine, ophthalmology, nutrition, critical care, dermatology, and other disciplines ( have expertise in naturally occurring animal models of human disease that may advance translational research in your laboratory.
The Translational Research Fellowship provides 2 years of salary support at the NIH postdoctoral pay scale, fringe benefits, and $2,500 for travel or training-related expenses. Fellows must devote at least 75% effort to research but may supplement this with up to 25% effort devoted to clinical duties if they are relevant to the proposed research and are funded separately by the training institution.
Full applications for starting August 2023, prepared by the fellow and mentor team, are due January 16, 2023.
- Details about how to apply are found on the COHA website
Contact Dr. Lauren Trepanier or Dr. Rob Rebhun if you have questions about the initiative after checking out the website.
Health Equity & Health Disparities Training Programs
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Advancing Diversity and Equity in Pre-Doctoral Trainees (ADEPT)
ADEPT is a mentored professional development program that supports part-time pre-doctoral trainees pursing a degree in the health sciences with a focus on translating discoveries to improvements in human health. Funded in part by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, two trainees will receive a yearly scholarship of $18,000 for tuition, conference travel, and/or research. Awards are available for up to 2 years.
Questions? Please email Amy Filut for information.
The ADEPT Faculty Director is Dr. Michelle Chui.
Advancing Health Equity And Diversity (AHEAD)
AHEAD is a mentored professional development program designed for UW-Madison postdoctoral scholars working in the health sciences (defined broadly) and who identify as a members of groups that have been historically underrepresented in the sciences. AHEAD invites postdocs to be part of a community of peers through quarterly seminars on topics essential for professional success, such as negotiating a job offer, mastering academic writing, and more.
In addition, AHEAD scholars benefit from informal mentoring.
Questions? Please contact Amy Filut
Success Together Reaching Independence, Diversity, and Empowerment (STRIDE)
STRIDE is a mentored professional development program that supports early-career faculty in the translational research workforce whose research focuses on health disparities or health equity.
STRIDE provides a supportive environment and training in mentorship, scientific writing, grantsmanship, and networking. The program also provides an opportunity for scholars to connect with institutional leaders. STRIDE faculty can be from any department or unit at UW-Madison, as long as they conduct translational research to improve human health.
Questions? Please contact Amy Filut