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ADEPT supports part-time PhD students in graduate programs that support clinical and translational research.
Applications Open
The ICTR ATRS Pilot Award provides support for proposals that aim to either: (1) Advance innovative translational research that elucidates novel processes that are generalizable to multiple translational research projects; OR (2) Provide solutions to common barriers in the translation of innovations into practice or policy.
The BIRCWH program provides training, protected time, and research funds for early-career faculty focused on women’s health or sex/gender differences research to develop an independent research program with competency-based curricular and mentored interdisciplinary research training. The program is funded through a trans-NIH collaborative effort and administered by the Office of Research on Women’s Health.
Applications Closed
The CCOR Pilot Award supports excellent, community-partnered health research that solves problems of translating knowledge into improvements in clinical practice, community programs and/or health policy. This Pilot Award may also support the development of interventions that require individual, organizational, and/or system behavior change.
Applications Closed
The CHER Pilot Award is designed for postdoctoral scholars (Track 1) or assistant professors (Track 2) whose research is focused on reducing health disparities. This award supports a collaborative mentored experience in clinical and translational research, which is intended to provide a foundation for career development and acquisition of preliminary data for subsequent funding mechanisms.
Applications Closed
The Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) Research Pilot Award provides support for proposals that aim to effectively implement, disseminate, and scale up evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions or programs into clinical, community, and/or public health practice settings that impact policy.
Applications Closed
The Research and Protocol Development (RaPD) Program offers funds to support activities that can be used to improve protocols and research projects.
Applications Closed
The KL2 Scholars Program, funded by NIH-NCATS, supports six UW–Madison early-stage faculty (three per year) who are pursuing and actively engaged in translational research and committed to developing an independent research program.
The Learning Health System (LHS) Demonstration Program invites clinical faculty to work on projects that are a priority for the UW Health system and can be addressed using an informatics, data-driven workflow with a focus on healthcare outcomes.
Applications Closed
This Collaborative Award provides support for proposals that build upon the research interests and infrastructure of both partners, and must involve Co-Principal Investigators from MCRI and UW-Madison.
Applications Closed
The Patient Engaged Partnership Research (PEPR) Pilot Award provides support for proposals that generate useful, real-world applications of interventions and facilitate the dissemination and uptake of research findings.
Applications Open
TL1 postdoctoral awards support UW–Madison trainees from diverse backgrounds with research interests in translational science.
Deadline soon
Applications Open
TL1 predoctoral awards support UW–Madison trainees from diverse backgrounds with research interests in translational science.
Applications Open
These awards address translational basic discovery activities; development of biomarkers, target and lead molecules, and devices; preclinical and animal models; and translation of discovery to patients.