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Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH)

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The UW–Madison Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) program has a mission to improve women’s health by developing a scientific workforce capable of leading independently funded research programs in women’s health and sex differences research. The UW BIRCWH program provides career development opportunities through competency-based curricular activities, mentored research training, and pioneering new approaches to team science and career coaching.

A rich foundation of distinguished program leadership, accomplished program faculty, and expansive institutional resources provides an outstanding environment to foster the next generation of leaders in women’s health research.

The program is funded through a trans-NIH collaborative effort, administered by the Office of Research on Women’s Health.

Program Goals

The UW BIRCWH program aims to identify and prepare committed and capable scholars; expand scholar knowledge of women’s health research; enhance fundamental research skills; and foster independent research careers.

The program accomplishes these goals within an overarching career development framework designed to enhance motivation for research careers in women’s health and scientific and leadership self-efficacy that includes the following components:

  • Strengthening the faculty mentoring network to enhance opportunities for early career faculty to develop innovative, interdisciplinary women’s health research collaborations and cross-disciplinary networks.
  • Providing competency-based career development in the design, conduct, and dissemination of high-quality women’s health research, including curricular innovations in team science.
  • Fostering team mentoring and developing novel mentee/mentor training to support all aspects of scholar career development by building on established institutional expertise in mentoring programs.
  • Establishing rigorous program oversight and evaluation tailored to competencies and milestones aligned with program expectations for scholars.

Funding Opportunities



“BIRCWH has helped me to develop my capabilities in grant writing, team science, and mentoring,and has opened up new opportunities for research, not only through collaboration with my mentors, but also through the networking that they were able to support and help me achieve.”

“Not only does the UW BIRCWH support a diverse set of scholars, but (it) also has provided protected time that has allowed us to conduct research that directly targets research questions related to health equity.”

Current Scholars

Dr. Susan Andreae
BIRCWH Scholar, 2022-present
Dr. Lara Gerassi
BIRCWH Scholar, 2022-present
Dr. Janelle Sobecki
BIRCWH Scholar, 2023-present

Our Team

Beth Burnside headshot
ICTR Executive Co-Director
Dr. Lisa Barroilhet
BIRCWH Principal Investigator and Co-Research Director
Dr. Linsey Steege
BIRCWH Principal Investigator and Program Director

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