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During the 2020-2021 academic year, ICTR participated in Building Up, a career development intervention sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh and designed for postdocs and junior faculty who identify as members of groups underrepresented in health-related sciences. As a result, the UW Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE) created STRIDE (Success Together Reaching Independence, Diversity, and Empowerment), a mentored professional development program for early career and junior faculty at UW whose scholarship falls within the translational research spectrum.

STRIDE provides a supportive environment and training in mentorship, scientific writing, grantsmanship, and time management. The program also provides an opportunity for scholars to connect with institutional leaders with shared lived experiences.

  • STRIDE 1.0 includes monthly 90-minute seminars and two mentor meetings including the STRIDE scholar, their mentor(s), Vaishali Bakshi, and Amy Filut.
  • STRIDE 2.0 includes quarterly Scholar Meetings, Leadership and Skills Enhancement for Research (LASER) training program from ICTR’s Team Science Program, mentorship training, and funding to support their professional development.

How to Apply

Funding for STRIDE was provided by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program (Grant ID #5132) through a grant to the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. The UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research also receives funding from NIH-NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) 1UL1TR002373.

Funding Opportunities

All STRIDE Scholars are eligible to apply for ICTR Pilot Awards. Requests for applications (RFAs) are typically posted at the start of the fall semester. 

  • STRIDE 2.0 Scholars receive funding to support their professional development. 


  • August 29, 2024

    STRIDE program welcomes new leader

    Dr. Vaishali Bakshi has accepted a role as lead of ICTR's STRIDE program (Success Together Reaching Independence, Diversity and Empowerment).


“The STRIDE program was very helpful in learning about resources and opportunities to move forward academic pursuits and provided a wonderful context for peer community and support.”

“I greatly benefitted from STRIDE, which connected me with other early career scholars and helped me realize I was not alone in this process. It provided a safe space where I could freely ask questions.”

“I was feeling quite overwhelmed and lost without true mentorship as I was starting my tenure-track position. I wasn’t sure where to start and how to best invest my time. The STRIDE seminars were a fantastic training opportunity and a wealth of strategic resources that helped me get oriented in my new position, without continuing to make me overwhelmed (which I have experienced in other seminars).”

“The mentorship and career development plans were possibly the most helpful, because of the advice tailored to my position, and the wonderful connections with successful faculty relevant to my position…having a cohort of people going through the same experience was great for recognizing that I was not alone in my experience, and developing that empathy for my own situation while I listened to others’. The fact that I...feel capable of tackling what’s ahead, it’s largely thanks to STRIDE.”

Current Scholars

STRIDE 1.0: Meinkeng (Stephannie) Acha-Morfaw, Heather Barkholtz, Carlos Benitez Barrera, Melisa Carrasco, Jina Chun, Katelyn Desorcy-Scherer, Shamya Karumbaiah, Erica Phillips, Mai See Thao, Zoua Vang 

STRIDE 2.0: Jill Denson, Sancia Ferguson, LB Klein, Krisjon Rae Olson, Sang Qin, Weidi Qin, Ivan Rosado-Mendez, Quaovi Sodji, María Virumbrales-Muñoz 

Our Team

Amy Filut
Program Manager, Collaborative Center for Health Equity
Ellie Knoll
Program Coordinator, Collaborative Center for Health Equity

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